but they were closer in age, Leah. Guy always had more spunk too. He
would've bitten Elijah if he'd tried to roast Big Dog.”
suppose you're right. How'd it go with Shane the other day?”
was good, sweet actually. We went to the festival and it was like
something out of a movie.”
were there any fireworks?” Leah asked, waggling her eyebrows.
like that, but we're meeting for happy hour at that dive bar across
from the fire station on Wednesday.” Lupe smiled to herself, she was
really looking forward to it. Apparently, he went there often after
work to play pool and have a drink. “How'd you know with Elliot?”

don't know. I mean, there's only been one date. He hasn't even met
Floyd yet!”
of course you couldn't see anyone that Floyd didn't approve of.”
Leah said archly.
course not! Floyd is The One! He just lets me meet my needs with
and will you be meeting your needs with Shane?”
we'll see how things go on Wednesday.”
better stop at the store on your way home, wouldn't want to be caught
sing a few more 'grams before heading home. Junie's pissed. What am I
supposed to do? She's old enough to stay home by herself for a little
bit and the bills aren't going to pay themselves. 'It's been a good
day, let's make it a great day, here's a present for you!'” sang
Lupe sarcastically.
boop be doop!” squealed Leah and they collapsed into giggles.
was rather light. Lupe spent most of the day doing chores and only
had three sing-a-grams to perform. She called up Jodi, Jude's mom, to
arrange for Juniper to go over there after school. Lupe felt
self-conscious as she got herself ready to meet up with Shane. “It's
just a date,” she told herself, “It doesn't even mean anything.
We're getting a beer and shooting some pool.” She put on her
lipstick with care and fussed with her hair for a while before
settling on her usual side braid. She didn't want to look like she
put too much effort into this, it's just a dive bar. Finally she felt
like she was ready to head out and she looked at the clock. It was
only four o'clock. She had to laugh at herself! Not get yourself
worked up, indeed!
it was actually time to go, she set off and still made it there
before him. She had about fifteen minutes of sitting at an unfamiliar
bar being scrutinized by unfamiliar people before he came in. At the
far left of the bar, a woman going for a Dolly Parton look, but
achieving a Golden Girls look nursed a large mug of beer. The portly
bartender twitched his mustache at Lupe disapprovingly as he wiped
down the bar. He defrosted when Shane came in, “Shane! How ya doin?
Wanna try the new amber ale from the Stardrop Brewery? Don't know if
I'm gonna carry it yet.”
Sure, I'll give it a try!” he came up behind Lupe's stool and
rested a hand on her shoulder, “And what about you, Lupita? They
carry all the usual beers here, plus some micro-brews. Stardrop's
pretty good and I also like Fire House's IPA.”
arched a brow when he came out with the diminutive, no one except
her abuela and her brother called her that. Her mother was more
likely to come out with the even sweeter “Lupecita” which was
often followed by, “querida, could you please...” Lupe felt that
she would let him get away with it just this once, because she liked
don't know much about beer” she said, trying not to blush, “What's
this, Shane, you bring a girl into my bar and she don't even like
you saw a girl this pretty sitting by herself in a coffee shop, would
you stop to ask if she liked beer?” he paused for a second, “Think
of it this way, you get to educate her!”
ok, we gonna start you off with a nice, light hefeweizen or--- I'll
make you up a flight.” he intoned getting excited, he had a
sonorous voice with a New England accent. He was a Pavarotti of
bartenders, nimble and passionate.
gonna be over here, Gus, gimme a shout when it's ready.” said
Shane, guiding Lupe to a booth.
could see why he liked the place. “Gus has owned this place for
ages, don't know why he decided to come out here from Portland, but
I'm sure glad to have him! That's Pam in the corner, she's cool once
you get to know her. Some of the guys come in after work like me and
they're real pool sharks. Latoya used to come around a lot too, but
now that she and Gus got married, we don't see her that much. So why
Meadow Glen? It's no Bridgeport.”
just wanted to be someplace else, you know? I was one of those
'anywhere but here' kids and there was this book I loved as a kid
that took place here and I just thought... I don't know, I wanna be
somewhere like that. Where there's this close-knit community and
you've got the mountains and the water. It's silly.”
it's sweet. Just like you.” he leaned his head in close.
order up! Go from lightest to darkest they're all Stardrop.” Gus
said, placing a paddle with four short glasses on the bar next to a
tall glass full of amber ale with a short head of foam.
settled the flight in front of Lupe, who was bewildered by it.
Arrayed in front of her was a set of four juice glasses filled most
of the way up with beer arranged from a pale yellow to practically
black. She picked the lightest up and smelled it. It smelled kind of
like bread with a citrus touch. Then, ever the scientist, she picked
up the next three to smell them. They also smelled like bread with
some alcohol in it, she thought the dark one smelled stronger than
the others. When she went back to the first, it smelled like nothing
to her. Shane was watching her with a slight smile, apparently beer
was one of his things. Was this a test? Was she passing? Shane
pointed to the lightest beer, “This is Stardrop's Pilsner, Shooting
Star. Take a sip and roll it around your mouth a little bit like
wine. What do you think?”
think it's good, crisp, lemony?”
glowed at her like she'd given him an A+ answer. “Now what's this
the hefeweizen, North Star. The next one is their Belgian amber ale,
Red Sky. And the last one is New Moon, an imperial porter.”
took a sip of the hefeweizen and found it to be sweet and a little
tropical, but not to her taste. She much preferred the clean taste of
the pilsner. Then she tried the amber ale, which oddly tasted like
autumn and moved on to the porter. She took a sip of the porter and
then another. It reminded her of coffee the way her dad drank it,
rich and black with a crema at the top, but it was also bready and a
little sweet and bitter. She wanted to drink more of it. Shane was
amused by her observations, “And what are you drinking?”
is their Amber pilsner, they just developed it. I think it was gonna
be a seasonal for autumn, but..” he shrugged.
what do you think?” she asked
took a deep drink of his glass, thinking, “I think it's good, but
should've stayed seasonal. It's a bit pumpkin spice for me, you wanna
try?” he passed her the glass. Lupe took a sip and grimaced, “I
see what you mean, they didn't quite take it to candle territory, but
it's getting there.”
wanna play a round?” Shane asked indicating a pool table.
but it's been a while since I played, so go easy on me.”
I'll try.” Shane said, offering her a cue. He put a few coins in
the slots and pushed it in releasing the balls. Lupe helped him
gather them together into the triangle, “You wanna break?” asked
Shane. Lupe agreed and totally flubbed it, not even hitting the white
you sure you've played before?” asked Shane leaning on his cue.
might need a refresher...” before she quite had time to process,
Shane crossed behind her. Speaking softly into her left ear he
positioned her arms and hands on the cue. She could feel the heat of
him behind her and smell his breath as he spoke. He guided the cue
and her hands to hit the ball and break the setup. She turned her
head to thank him and he dipped his head down brushing his lips to
hers. It took all her willpower to turn her attention to the game and
not turn around and give him her full and undivided attention. He,
meanwhile, was doing all kinds of fancy maneuvers to impress her, but
to her just hitting the ball and having it hit other balls was
impressive. He beat her handily, “When was the last time you
time, Lupe did blush, “Sixth grade, I think. The church youth group
had a table in the hall, until the deacon discovered that the kids
were gambling on it and then it was 'Bye bye pool, hello croquet!'
Guess they never realized that you can gamble on anything if you try
hard enough.” Lupe saw Shane give a nod and a discreet head shake
to a guy in a black jacket, “Hey, I'll just be a minute, you
practice using that cue, k?” He headed over to the stranger and
carried on a very quiet conversation. He came back; Lupe feeling bold
after two pints of beer asked him which way to the restrooms, leaned
in and said “Follow me in about a minute”
walked back through the bar, hips swaying, feeling in control. She
got to the hallways in front of the unisex single stall bathrooms and
looked back, feeling rather like a cat, she tilted her head at the
door of her choice and entered it. A couple moments later, just long
enough for her to begin to worry, there was a knock on the door,
“It's me.”
I love the way you are so descriptive where you don't have screenshots. I could see everything perfectly in my head here, and at times hear, smell, or taste it. Lupe's thoughts really came through, too. Great job!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much! That is the highest praise I could get! I really want to try Stardrop's imperial porter... Too bad I made it up.
DeleteI agree with Rohan, your descriptiveness makes me feel like I'm standing in the room with them.
ReplyDeleteI love Leah and Lupe's friendship. Sometimes it's hard to maintain a proper friendship with a sim outside the household (at least for me it is) both in-game and in the story, so it's nice to read!
ReplyDeleteIt's really hard for me to write people that don't talk to other people! I kept asking myself how I could expand on Lupe so that you could see why I like her so much or why I think she's special. She needs someone to talk to about her feelings and worries so I decided to expand on her friendship with Leah. Making this story really has me thinking about my sims in a different way and playing them in a different way.